
An Infostealer that uses Telegram for command and control
Class Summary
Infostealers are generally designed as simple malicious programs focused specifically on the the theft of information. Although they might also be able to spy on users, this is not generally their primary goal. They generally execute and immediately look on disk at hardcoded locations for valuable files. These valuable files range from browser data, crypto, keychains and more.

Discovered by Uptycs in March 2023, MacStealer is a dark web-sourced info-stealing malware that utilizes Telegram for command and control. Capable of exfiltrating files, cookies, and financial information, it targets all major browsers including Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Uptycs researchers have identified the malware's binaries as mach-o, compiled from Python. MacStealer is offered as a "Malware-as-a-Service," complete with a future feature roadmap that includes plans for a control panel, reverse shell capabilities, and additional wallet targets.

Example Hashes
  • e0d9612798689222d7ebaa21c9c4b49f9bd21650
  • bdf6b96bd4d45098b6385f1256b06faa9477bc5e
  • e7c4e72e90598f420d6835a14c110c297a47a2c3