
An unwanted program that needs further analysis
Class Summary
Adware is a type of software that delivers unsolicited advertisements, typically through pop-up messages or browser redirection. While not always harmful, adware can significantly degrade system performance and user experience. Adware often infiltrates systems through free software downloads or malicious websites. If adware made it on to the system, scrutinize any recent software downloads, especially free software, as it's often the source. Adware can often be removed by looking for odd LaunchAgents, LaunchDaemons, and unexpected 3rd-party browser extensions.

Generic malware is a placeholder name for various unwanted programs. These programs may contain various adware and pup techniques such as theft of user information, injection of ads, and/or monitoring of web browser activity. A malware detection labeled generic is due to the fact that the malware itself may not yet be prominent enough for a new family and too unique to currently be tied to an existing family. It may also still be under further research.

Example Hashes
  • dc3927a7ba147e15c3c1e93a2c3f389bc0592a55
  • f921c973a82bba3fe4750328769f6008c4dab3d0
  • a196761d825591d8ec8b6e197eff422c6b771bc5
  • 45017ad588b4945544943b1e8b746473f0c74417
  • b0ea8c64a294ad38162a6572ed80c1e03a10125e
  • b5b555b428394526f37308375aca2e123a56f8a3
  • f4d20afc1f53e90cc10312ffd3db8eada6f07f1f